The Future: Young and Worried

As of now, I’m currently attending the University of Huddersfield, soon to be graduating with a degree in Broadcast Journalism.

I’m the first In my family to go to University, just like a lot of people. I’ve done quite a few things here, I’ve visited the BBC in Salford, even managed to whisk my way in to discuss changes to the BBC3’s conversion to an online format. Filmed 2 documentaries, about trains and buses (Where’s my Oscar?!), taken on personal projects such as building my own website to serve as a legacy website for the Tour De France, where I also worked with ITV Leeds. My content got on TV! Small but significant victory!

ITV Sofa.
The seat was comfier than you’d think. I’d get paid to sit on comfy things.

Even out of University, I started my own business, Gigsets, a music journalism site and events management type business. Recruited people, paid them, we nearly had our own proper offices as well. Not to forget the large festival we made with over 30 bands! Sadly, it was doomed due to financial losses due to the festival (which I didn’t approve of to begin with) so I high-tailed it out of there before the festival started.

If you look “overkill” in the dictionary, you will see this picture.

I’ve done other things as well, tried the Youtubeing thing, podcast, radio etc etc but you know what?

I’m still worried for my future.

My current role is Project Producer at a place in Huddersfield called The Media Centre. It was set up by the University as a sort of placement idea. I was interviewed for the role of Producer and boom. Beat out the others in my class for it.

I enjoy it. But it doesn’t pay. And to move from this to being paid for similar work isn’t easy. That’s what I’m worried about. That I’ve gone to University, done all these things and that they will amount to working at McDonalds (shoutout to the crazy Chicken McNuggets).

Even with contacts at ITV, the BBC and tons more reputable people, I’m just.. worried, ya’ know?

This all stems from recently applying for the ITV Traineeship Scheme of 2015 and not getting in. I was disappointed in myself. I had some naive confidence that all the work I’ve put in up until now would result in becoming a trainee at ITV. It wasn’t. I don’t think I was anywhere near.

But it has lead to something. In other terms, I’d say it was a ‘level up’ kinda situation. I’m the kind of guy that is too stubborn to give up when it’s all over. I feel as if I need to keep going, to keep trying as hard as I can to reach.. something. I don’t know what it is. It’s a need. Something inside me just reaches out for success. It doesn’t have to be making tons of money, it’s a personal success, to achieve a job that’s not just wasting my time flipping burgers for minimum wage. But I don’t even know if I’m going to get past it. It just seems.. unreachable.

If it gets to that point, I guess I’ll start being an entrepreneur again. I have ideas that could work. Ideas at least worth trying.

I guess you could say I’m uneasy about what is to come. I bet most of the people who applied for the Traineeships positions and didn’t get in are also the same. I reach out to those guys and gals. I want to say “It’ll be ok, you’ll be fine” but I’d feel hypocritical because I don’t even know what’s going to happen to me.

If you were to take anything from reading this, I would say don’t give up. I’d say that failure can be a mind killer or a motivator. Just use it as a motivator, ok? This applies to everything. Just get back on up that horse and ride again, faster this time.


If you’re going through something similar or have done in the past, comment and tell your story. If this post resonated at all with you, please leave a like to know I’ve helped you out or related to you in some way. Remember, you’re not in this alone.